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Travel (Ages 9-19)

The AMFC Travel program serves as an advanced development program to the game of soccer. Teams consist of players from 9-19 years of age and play in the GAASA league. A yearly evaluation of each player will assist in placing them with similar skill level teammates and teams. The overall intent is to keep teams as equal as possible while delivering increased INDIVIDUAL player development. AMFC will place a player in the best fit for their personal needs. AMFC prides itself on training firmly based in teaching the FUNdamentals of the game of soccer

Q: What is the commitment level for travel?
Teams typically have 2 practices and 1 game each week. There are 8 games in a season, with an additional 2 games for the GAASA Playoffs.

Q: Where are the practices?
ALL AMFC teams practice at the Akron Metro FC Complex: 73 W. Rosewood Ave. Akron, 44301.

Q: How are travel teams grouped? 
Teams are formed with players of similar ability. Teams can be placed in 5 different divisions: C1 through C5. C1 is the highest level of competition and C5 being a bit less competitive, but a whole lot of fun!  Travel still maintains a fun child-friendly atmosphere where all kids can succeed and have fun playing soccer. 

Q: Travel Distance? 
4 home games, 4 away games. Top 4 teams in each division will play in a weekend tournament at the end of the season
AMFC competes against other towns, most local. Some can be up to an hour away. 

Registration Listing

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Akron Metro Futbol Club

38070 Springwood Ct 
North Ridgeville, Ohio 44039

Phone: 330-807-4844
Email: [email protected]

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